This week may feel like a bit of a slog, but there’s good energy waiting at the end of it.

The beginning of the week is going to feel like important issues slipping through the cracks – like banging your head against your projects without making a dent or an iota of movement. It’s a heavy kind of energy – things just don’t feel like they’re going right. Authority figures are obstinate and there seems to be a block at every turn.

Thankfully, it doesn’t end that way. It turns out all that head banging did move things forward. The lack of control you felt at the beginning melts away as you grasp something important that’s been eluding you all week and claim the prize.

  1. Three of Wands – R
  2. Eight of Pentacles – R
  3. The Magician
  4. The Emperor – R
  5. The Empress – R
  6. Ace of Pentacles

Deck: Golden Art Nouveau

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